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Durgasoft Android Course Content:
Android Overview and History
- How it all got started
- Why Android is different (and important)
Android Stack
- Overview of the stack
- Linux kernel
- Native libraries
- Dalvik
- App framework
- Apps
SDK Overview
- Platforms
- Tools
- Versions
Hello World App
- Creating your first project
- The manifest file
- Layout resource
- Running your app on Emulator
Main Building Blocks
- Activities
- Activity lifecycle
- Intents
- Services
- Content Providers
- Broadcast Receivers
Basic Android User Interface
- XML versus Java UI
- Views and layouts
- Common UI components
- Handling user events
Android system Overview
- Preferences
- Notifications
- File System
- Security model
Advanced UI
- Selection components
- Adapters
- UI components
- Menus and Dialogs
- Graphics & Animations
- Building UI for performance
Multimedia in Android
- Multimedia Supported audio formats
- Simple media playback
- Supported video formats
- Simple video playback
SQL Database
- Introducing SQLite
- SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
- Opening and closing a database
- Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes
Basic Content Providers
- Content provider MIME types
- Adding, changing, and removing content
- Working with content files
Advanced Android
Custom Content Providers
- Why Content Providers
- Where the content comes from
- Implementing the API Supporting content files
Location Services
- Working with the Location Manager
- Working with Google Maps extensions
- Overview of services in Android
- Implementing a Service
- Service lifecycle
- Bound versus unbound services
Broadcast Receivers
- What are Broadcast Receivers
- Implementing broadcast receiver
- System broadcasts and how to use them
Intent Filters
Role of Filters
- Intent-matching rules
- Filters in your manifest
- Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
- Working with web services Best practices
- How Sensors work
- Listening to Sensor readings
- Best practices for performance
- Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
- Managing active connections
- Managing WiFi
- Making calls
- Monitoring data connectivity and activity
- Accessing phone properties and status
- Controlling the phone
- Taking pictures
- Rendering previews
- Controlling local Bluetooth device
- Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
- Managing Bluetooth connections
- Communicating with Bluetooth
Automated Testing
- Why automate tests
- Instrumentation and unit testing